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00001 /*
00002  *  Copyright (C) 2002-2020  The DOSBox Team
00003  *
00004  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00005  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00006  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00007  *  (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00015  *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
00016  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  */
00019 #include "dosbox.h"
00020 #include "mem.h"
00021 #include "inout.h"
00022 #include "int10.h"
00024 #define ACTL_MAX_REG   0x14
00026 static INLINE void ResetACTL(void) {
00027         IO_Read(real_readw(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CRTC_ADDRESS) + 6u);
00028 }
00030 static INLINE void WriteTandyACTL(Bit8u creg,Bit8u val) {
00031         IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS,creg);
00032         if (machine==MCH_TANDY) IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_DATA,val);
00033         else IO_Write(VGAREG_PCJR_DATA,val);
00034 }
00036 void INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister(Bit8u reg,Bit8u val) {
00037         switch (machine) {
00038         case MCH_PCJR:
00039                 reg&=0xf;
00040                 IO_Read(VGAREG_TDY_RESET);
00041                 WriteTandyACTL(reg+0x10,val);
00042                 IO_Write(0x3da,0x0); // palette back on
00043                 break;
00044         case MCH_TANDY:
00045                 // TODO waits for vertical retrace
00046                 switch(vga.mode) {
00047                 case M_TANDY2:
00048                         if (reg >= 0x10) break;
00049                         else if (reg==1) reg = 0x1f;
00050                         else reg |= 0x10;
00051                         WriteTandyACTL(reg+0x10,val);
00052                         break;
00053                 case M_TANDY4: {
00054                         if (CurMode->mode!=0x0a) {
00055                                 // Palette values are kept constand by the BIOS.
00056                                 // The four colors are mapped to special palette values by hardware.
00057                                 // 3D8/3D9 registers influence this mapping. We need to figure out
00058                                 // which entry is used for the requested color.
00059                                 if (reg > 3) break;
00060                                 if (reg != 0) { // 0 is assumed to be at 0
00061                                         Bit8u color_select=real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAL);
00062                                         reg = reg*2+8; // Green Red Brown
00063                                         if (color_select& 0x20) reg++; // Cyan Magenta White
00064                                 }
00065                                 WriteTandyACTL(reg+0x10,val);
00066                         } 
00067                         // 4-color high resolution mode 0x0a isn't handled specially
00068                         else WriteTandyACTL(reg+0x10,val);
00069                         break;
00070                 }
00071                 default:
00072                         WriteTandyACTL(reg+0x10,val);
00073                         break;
00074                 }
00075                 IO_Write(0x3da,0x0); // palette back on
00076                 break;
00077         case EGAVGA_ARCH_CASE:
00078                 if (!IS_VGA_ARCH) reg&=0x1f;
00079                 if(reg<=ACTL_MAX_REG) {
00080                         ResetACTL();
00081                         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,reg);
00082                         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,val);
00083                 }
00084                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,32);               //Enable output and protect palette
00085                 break;
00086         default:
00087                 break;
00088         }
00089 }
00092 void INT10_SetOverscanBorderColor(Bit8u val) {
00093         switch (machine) {
00094         case TANDY_ARCH_CASE:
00095                 IO_Read(VGAREG_TDY_RESET);
00096                 WriteTandyACTL(0x02,val);
00097                 IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS, 0); // enable the screen
00098                 break;
00099         case EGAVGA_ARCH_CASE:
00100                 ResetACTL();
00101                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x11);
00102                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,val);
00103                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,32);               //Enable output and protect palette
00104                 break;
00105         default:
00106                 break;
00107         }
00108 }
00110 void INT10_SetAllPaletteRegisters(PhysPt data) {
00111         switch (machine) {
00112         case TANDY_ARCH_CASE:
00113                 IO_Read(VGAREG_TDY_RESET);
00114                 // First the colors
00115                 for(Bit8u i=0;i<0x10;i++) {
00116                         WriteTandyACTL(i+0x10,mem_readb(data));
00117                         data++;
00118                 }
00119                 // Then the border
00120                 WriteTandyACTL(0x02,mem_readb(data));
00121                 break;
00122         case EGAVGA_ARCH_CASE:
00123                 ResetACTL();
00124                 // First the colors
00125                 for(Bit8u i=0;i<0x10;i++) {
00126                         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,i);
00127                         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,mem_readb(data));
00128                         data++;
00129                 }
00130                 // Then the border
00131                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x11);
00132                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,mem_readb(data));
00133                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,32);               //Enable output and protect palette
00134                 break;
00135         default:
00136                 break;
00137         }
00138 }
00140 void INT10_ToggleBlinkingBit(Bit8u state) {
00141         if(IS_VGA_ARCH) {
00142                 Bit8u value;
00143         //      state&=0x01;
00144                 if ((state>1) && (svgaCard==SVGA_S3Trio)) return;
00145                 ResetACTL();
00147                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x10);
00148                 value=IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA);
00149                 if (state<=1) {
00150                         value&=0xf7;
00151                         value|=state<<3;
00152                 }
00154                 ResetACTL();
00155                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x10);
00156                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,value);
00157                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,32);               //Enable output and protect palette
00159                 if (state<=1) {
00160                         Bit8u msrval=real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MSR)&0xdf;
00161                         if (state) msrval|=0x20;
00162                         real_writeb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MSR,msrval);
00163                 }
00164         } else { // EGA
00165                 // Usually it reads this from the mode list in ROM
00166                 if (CurMode->type!=M_TEXT) return;
00168                 Bit8u value = (CurMode->cwidth==9)? 0x4:0x0;
00169                 if (state) value |= 0x8;
00171                 ResetACTL();
00172                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x10);
00173                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,value);
00174                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x20);
00176                 Bit8u msrval=real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MSR)& ~0x20;
00177                 if (state) msrval|=0x20;
00178                 real_writeb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MSR,msrval);
00179         }
00180 }
00182 void INT10_GetSinglePaletteRegister(Bit8u reg,Bit8u * val) {
00183         if(reg<=ACTL_MAX_REG) {
00184                 ResetACTL();
00185                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,reg+32);
00186                 *val=IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA);
00187                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,*val);
00188         }
00189 }
00191 void INT10_GetOverscanBorderColor(Bit8u * val) {
00192         ResetACTL();
00193         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x11+32);
00194         *val=IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA);
00195         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,*val);
00196 }
00198 void INT10_GetAllPaletteRegisters(PhysPt data) {
00199         ResetACTL();
00200         // First the colors
00201         for(Bit8u i=0;i<0x10;i++) {
00202                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,i);
00203                 mem_writeb(data,IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA));
00204                 ResetACTL();
00205                 data++;
00206         }
00207         // Then the border
00208         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x11+32);
00209         mem_writeb(data,IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA));
00210         ResetACTL();
00211 }
00213 void INT10_SetSingleDACRegister(Bit8u index,Bit8u red,Bit8u green,Bit8u blue) {
00214         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS,(Bit8u)index);
00215         if ((real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_MODESET_CTL)&0x06)==0) {
00216                 IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,red);
00217                 IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,green);
00218                 IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,blue);
00219         } else {
00220                 /* calculate clamped intensity, taken from VGABIOS */
00221                 Bit32u i=(( 77u*red + 151u*green + 28u*blue ) + 0x80u) >> 8u;
00222                 Bit8u ic=(i>0x3f) ? 0x3f : ((Bit8u)(i & 0xff));
00223                 IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,ic);
00224                 IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,ic);
00225                 IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,ic);
00226         }
00227 }
00229 void INT10_GetSingleDACRegister(Bit8u index,Bit8u * red,Bit8u * green,Bit8u * blue) {
00230         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_READ_ADDRESS,index);
00231         *red=IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA);
00232         *green=IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA);
00233         *blue=IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA);
00234 }
00236 void INT10_SetDACBlock(Bit16u index,Bit16u count,PhysPt data) {
00237         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS,(Bit8u)index);
00238         if ((real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_MODESET_CTL)&0x06)==0) {
00239                 for (;count>0;count--) {
00240                         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,mem_readb(data++));
00241                         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,mem_readb(data++));
00242                         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,mem_readb(data++));
00243                 }
00244         } else {
00245                 for (;count>0;count--) {
00246                         Bit8u red=mem_readb(data++);
00247                         Bit8u green=mem_readb(data++);
00248                         Bit8u blue=mem_readb(data++);
00250                         /* calculate clamped intensity, taken from VGABIOS */
00251                         Bit32u i=(( 77u*red + 151u*green + 28u*blue ) + 0x80u) >> 8u;
00252                         Bit8u ic=(i>0x3f) ? 0x3f : ((Bit8u)(i & 0xff));
00253                         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,ic);
00254                         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,ic);
00255                         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_DATA,ic);
00256                 }
00257         }
00258 }
00260 void INT10_GetDACBlock(Bit16u index,Bit16u count,PhysPt data) {
00261         IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_READ_ADDRESS,(Bit8u)index);
00262         for (;count>0;count--) {
00263                 mem_writeb(data++,IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA));
00264                 mem_writeb(data++,IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA));
00265                 mem_writeb(data++,IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA));
00266         }
00267 }
00269 void INT10_SelectDACPage(Bit8u function,Bit8u mode) {
00270         ResetACTL();
00271         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x10);
00272         Bit8u old10=IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA);
00273         if (!function) {                //Select paging mode
00274                 if (mode) old10|=0x80;
00275                 else old10&=0x7f;
00276                 //IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x10);
00277                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,old10);
00278         } else {                                //Select page
00279                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,old10);
00280                 if (!(old10 & 0x80)) mode<<=2;
00281                 mode&=0xf;
00282                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x14);
00283                 IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,mode);
00284         }
00285         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,32);               //Enable output and protect palette
00286 }
00288 void INT10_GetDACPage(Bit8u* mode,Bit8u* page) {
00289         ResetACTL();
00290         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x10);
00291         Bit8u reg10=IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA);
00292         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,reg10);
00293         *mode=(reg10&0x80)?0x01:0x00;
00294         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x14);
00295         *page=IO_Read(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA);
00296         IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA,*page);
00297         if(*mode) {
00298                 *page&=0xf;
00299         } else {
00300                 *page&=0xc;
00301                 *page>>=2;
00302         }
00304     /* the operations carried out here blanked the display because of the index (0x10/0x14) without bit 5,
00305      * write a dummy index with bit 5 to reenable the display. Bugfix for "Blue Force" MS-DOS game.
00306      *
00307      * Note that DOSBox SVN has the same bug without this fix, but appears to work because the AC blanking
00308      * doesn't work (2019/12/08). */
00309     IO_Write(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS,0x10/*index*/ | 0x20/*display enable*/);
00310     /* read both, to avoid having to read 0x3CC or BIOS data area regs */
00311     IO_Read(0x3BA); /* reset flip flop */
00312     IO_Read(0x3DA); /* reset flip flop */
00313 }
00315 void INT10_SetPelMask(Bit8u mask) {
00316         IO_Write(VGAREG_PEL_MASK,mask);
00317 }       
00319 void INT10_GetPelMask(Bit8u & mask) {
00320         mask=IO_Read(VGAREG_PEL_MASK);
00321 }
00323 void INT10_SetBackgroundBorder(Bit8u val) {
00324         Bit8u color_select=real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAL);
00325         color_select=(color_select & 0xe0) | (val & 0x1f);
00326         real_writeb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAL,color_select);
00328         switch (machine) {
00329         case MCH_CGA:
00330         case MCH_MCGA:
00331                 // only write the color select register
00332                 IO_Write(0x3d9,color_select);
00333                 break;
00334         case MCH_TANDY:
00335                 // TODO handle val == 0x1x, wait for retrace
00336                 switch(CurMode->mode) {
00337                 default: // modes 0-5: write to color select and border
00338                         INT10_SetOverscanBorderColor(val);
00339                         IO_Write(0x3d9, color_select);
00340                         break;
00341                 case 0x06: // 2-color: only write the color select register
00342                         IO_Write(0x3d9, color_select);
00343                         break;
00344                 case 0x07: // Tandy monochrome not implemented
00345                         break; 
00346                 case 0x08:
00347                 case 0x09: // 16-color: write to color select, border and pal. index 0
00348                         INT10_SetOverscanBorderColor(val);
00349                         INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister(0, val);
00350                         IO_Write(0x3d9, color_select);
00351                         break;
00352                 case 0x0a: // 4-color highres:
00353                         // write zero to color select, write palette to indexes 1-3
00354                         // TODO palette
00355                         IO_Write(0x3d9, 0);
00356                         break;
00357                 }
00358                 break;
00359         case MCH_PCJR:
00360                 IO_Read(VGAREG_TDY_RESET); // reset the flipflop
00361                 if (vga.mode!=M_TANDY_TEXT) {
00362                         IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS, 0x10);
00363                         IO_Write(VGAREG_PCJR_DATA, color_select&0xf);
00364                 }
00365                 IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS, 0x2); // border color
00366                 IO_Write(VGAREG_PCJR_DATA, color_select&0xf);
00367                 break;
00368         case EGAVGA_ARCH_CASE:
00369                 val = ((val << 1) & 0x10) | (val & 0x7);
00370                 /* Always set the overscan color */
00371                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 0x11, val );
00372                 /* Don't set any extra colors when in text mode */
00373                 if (CurMode->mode <= 3)
00374                         return;
00375                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 0, val );
00376                 val = (color_select & 0x10) | 2 | ((color_select & 0x20) >> 5);
00377                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 1, val );
00378                 val+=2;
00379                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 2, val );
00380                 val+=2;
00381                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 3, val );
00382                 break;
00383         default:
00384                 break;
00385         }
00386 }
00388 void INT10_SetColorSelect(Bit8u val) {
00389         Bit8u temp=real_readb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAL);
00390         temp=(temp & 0xdf) | ((val & 1) ? 0x20 : 0x0);
00391         real_writeb(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAL,temp);
00392         if (machine == MCH_CGA || machine == MCH_MCGA || machine == MCH_AMSTRAD || machine==MCH_TANDY)
00393                 IO_Write(0x3d9,temp);
00394         else if (machine == MCH_PCJR) {
00395                 IO_Read(VGAREG_TDY_RESET); // reset the flipflop
00396                 switch(vga.mode) {
00397                 case M_TANDY2:
00398                         IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS, 0x11);
00399                         IO_Write(VGAREG_PCJR_DATA, (val&1)? 0xf:0);
00400                         break;
00401                 case M_TANDY4:
00402                         for(Bit8u i = 0x11; i < 0x14; i++) {
00403                                 const Bit8u t4_table[] = {0,2,4,6, 0,3,5,0xf};
00404                                 IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS, i);
00405                                 IO_Write(VGAREG_PCJR_DATA, t4_table[(i-0x10)+((val&1)? 4:0)]);
00406                         }
00407                         break;
00408                 default:
00409                         // 16-color modes: always write the same palette
00410                         for(Bit8u i = 0x11; i < 0x20; i++) {
00411                                 IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS, i);
00412                                 IO_Write(VGAREG_PCJR_DATA, i-0x10);
00413                         }
00414                         break;
00415                 }
00416                 IO_Write(VGAREG_TDY_ADDRESS, 0); // enable palette
00417         }
00418         else if (IS_EGAVGA_ARCH) {
00419                 if (CurMode->mode <= 3) //Maybe even skip the total function!
00420                         return;
00421                 val = (temp & 0x10) | 2 | val;
00422                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 1, val );
00423                 val+=2;
00424                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 2, val );
00425                 val+=2;
00426                 INT10_SetSinglePaletteRegister( 3, val );
00427         }
00428 }
00430 void INT10_PerformGrayScaleSumming(Bit16u start_reg,Bit16u count) {
00431         if (count>0x100) count=0x100;
00432         for (Bitu ct=0; ct<count; ct++) {
00433                 IO_Write(VGAREG_DAC_READ_ADDRESS,(Bit8u)(start_reg+ct));
00434                 Bit8u red=IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA);
00435                 Bit8u green=IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA);
00436                 Bit8u blue=IO_Read(VGAREG_DAC_DATA);
00438                 /* calculate clamped intensity, taken from VGABIOS */
00439                 Bit32u i=(( 77u*red + 151u*green + 28u*blue ) + 0x80u) >> 8u;
00440                 Bit8u ic=(i>0x3f) ? 0x3f : ((Bit8u)(i & 0xff));
00441                 INT10_SetSingleDACRegister((Bit8u)(start_reg+ct),ic,ic,ic);
00442         }
00443 }