Collection of all color-related constants and functions. More...
Variables | |
RGB | Background3D = 0xffc0c0c0 |
Background color for 3D effects. May be customized. | |
RGB | Light3D = 0xfffcfcfc |
Light highlight color for 3D effects. May be customized. | |
RGB | Shadow3D = 0xff808080 |
Dark highlight color (shadow) for 3D effects. May be customized. | |
RGB | Border = 0xff000000 |
Generic border color for highlights or similar. May be customized. | |
RGB | Text = 0xff000000 |
Foreground color for regular content (mainly text). May be customized. | |
RGB | Background = 0xffc0c0c0 |
Background color for inactive areas. May be customized. | |
RGB | SelectionBackground = 0xff000080 |
Background color for selected areas. May be customized. | |
RGB | SelectionForeground = 0xffffffff |
Foreground color for selected areas. May be customized. | |
RGB | EditableBackground = 0xffffffff |
Background color for inputs / application area. May be customized. | |
RGB | Titlebar = 0xffa4c8f0 |
Title bar color for windows. May be customized. | |
RGB | TitlebarText = 0xff000000 |
Title bar text color for windows. May be customized. | |
RGB | TitlebarInactive = 0xffffffff |
Title bar color for windows. May be customized. | |
RGB | TitlebarInactiveText = 0xff000000 |
Title bar text color for windows. May be customized. | |
const RGB | Transparent = 0x00ffffff |
A fully transparent pixel. | |
const RGB | Black = 0xff000000 |
A fully opaque black pixel. | |
const RGB | White = 0xffffffff |
A fully opaque white pixel. | |
const RGB | AlphaMask = 0xff000000 |
Alpha mask. | |
const int | AlphaShift = 24 |
Offset of alpha value. | |
const RGB | RedMask = 0x00ff0000 |
Red mask. | |
const RGB | Red = Black|RedMask |
Full-intensity red. | |
const int | RedShift = 16 |
Offset of red value. | |
const RGB | GreenMask = 0x0000ff00 |
Green mask. | |
const RGB | Green = Black|GreenMask |
Full-intensity green. | |
const int | GreenShift = 8 |
Offset of green value. | |
const RGB | BlueMask = 0x000000ff |
Blue mask. | |
const RGB | Blue = Black|BlueMask |
Full-intensity blue. | |
const int | BlueShift = 0 |
Offset of blue value. | |
const RGB | Magenta = Red|Blue |
Full-intensity Magenta. | |
const RGB | MagentaMask = RedMask|BlueMask |
Magenta mask. | |
const RGB | Cyan = Green|Blue |
Full-intensity Cyan. | |
const RGB | CyanMask = GreenMask|BlueMask |
Cyan mask. | |
const RGB | Yellow = Red|Green |
Full-intensity Yellow. | |
const RGB | YellowMask = RedMask|GreenMask |
Yellow mask. | |
const RGB | Grey50 = 0xff808080 |
50% grey |
Collection of all color-related constants and functions.