DOSBox-X 0.83.17 Release Notes
Release Date: September 1, 2021
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New in This Version
- Added FISTTP instruction to experimental cputype (LBi)
- Updated debugger to support and decode fisttp, fcomi, fcomip, fucomi, fucomip (LBi)
- Added support for Chinese/Japanese/Korean IMEs on Windows/Linux SDL2 builds. (nanshiki)
- Added cputype=experimental, which is the same as the highest CPU emulation level but with additional instructions from newer processors that do not exist in the era emulated by DOSBox-X i.e. FISTTP which is an SSE3 Pentium 4 instruction. (joncampbell123)
- Added support for 286/386 call gates to JMP instruction (joncampbell123)
- Added -bd option to IMGMOUNT to allow mounting partitions from a hard disk image mounted as an INT 13h hard disk. is the numeric value the hard disk image was mounted to. In this way, it becomes possible to mount any or all partitions in a hard disk image. WARNING: To safely mount multiple partitions, use -o partidx= to specify each partition you mount by index. (joncampbell123)
- If a drive has no volume label, and user runs LABEL without specifying one, do not ask whether or not to delete the volume label because there is in fact no volume label to delete. (joncampbell123)
- Added FreeDOS utilities DEFRAG, FORMAT, FDISK, CHKDSK, and SYS to the built-in Z drive. KERNEL.SYS is not provided so that the user can provide what they consider the best version of the FreeDOS kernel to format with if they use FORMAT /S (joncampbell123)
- INT 29h routes output through ANSI.SYS driver in both IBM PC and PC-98 mode, unless ansi.sys=false is set in the config setting. (joncampbell123)
- Integrated commits from mainline (Allofich)
- Fix regression in r4444: Hercules machine type cursor translation.
- Remove redundant signature for ET4K that is now done in video BIOS.
- Implement mouse driver function 0x27, fixes Alive - Behind the Moon.
- Add log message for unusual cases where an executable unsafely places its initial stack outside the memory block.